How many of us have time in the day for time intensive work-outs? Don't all raise your hands at once now.The simple fact is that if you are like most people, your schedule is jam packed with things that need to be done yesterday. Before we even get to the battle of will it'd take to push through a grueling 30 minutes of cardio, you face a galactic war for 30 seconds on your hands to plan said work-out.
Answer? 5 of 5. The top 5 benefits of brief intensive 5 minute workouts that is.
A recent study out of the University of Utah highlights just how effective short workouts can be in keeping your BMI (Body mass index) down. First, researchers developed 4 categories of physical activity.
- Higher-intensity long bouts
- Higher-intensity short bouts
- Lower-intensity long bouts
- Lower-intensity short bouts
In a sample of over 2000 men and 2000 women, agest 18-64 and chosen over a 3 year period, results show that for women, each daily minute spent in higher-intensity short bouts was related to a decrease of .07 BMI. In short, a minute of high intensity exercise offsets the calorie equivalent of .41 pounds.
This means that when comparing two women each 5-feet-5-inches tall, the woman who regularly adds a minute of brisk activity to her day will weigh nearly a half-pound less. Results were similar for men.
Importantly for both, each daily minute of higher-intensity activity lowered the odds of obesity — 5 percent for women, and 2 percent for men.
While we've gotten to the bottom of this post, there are still 5 more phenomenal benefits to 5 minutes of exercise a day.
- Reduced risk of cardiovascular disease
- Reduced blood sugar sensitivity
- Better mood
- Better sleep
- Improved blood pressure
So even if you're not ready to commit to anything big, taking small steps toward the overall goal will have cumulative good effects on your health.